Home > Artworks > Eduardo Hoyos Villamizar

Photo of Eduardo Hoyos Villamizar Colombia
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My paintings recreate a rational process, a spiritual experience, an inner imaginary that deepens the mystery of an intimate and universal reality. A testimony of the need for emotions and human experiences in the path of knowledge of the Being itself, to its existential experience, thoughts, events and moments of life. Through the energetic conjunction through colors and strokes in a personal language, from the body-mind-heart integrated in the macrocosm, replicating our microcosmic condition. Much of the dialect of these works revolves around an intuitive geometry, allowing the use of imagination that reinterprets a sense of the cosmos and encounters with multiple sensory perceptions of the invisible.

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39.37 x 39.37 in
55.12 x 43.31 in
35.43 x 51.18 in
31.50 x 47.24 in

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Any color and its combinations will absorb the mind, feelings and figures of the observer. Mediated by the kinetics of fluids typical of physical worlds, from the perspective of vitality and vibration, as well as their impact on life. The vitality and vibration do not change despite the human intellect that demands fractional data. Rather, they inquire into contemporary reality in its microcosm and synthesize a language, an integration of the reality of interpretations of our being, that would not otherwise reveal those variable and changing truths of our thought.

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